Frederick I. Ordway, III Space pioneer and author; NSS Board of Governors (Bio)
Robert W. Farquhar Executive for Space Exploration at KinetX, Inc.
Scott Pace Director, Space Policy Institute, The George Washington University; NSS Board of Governors (Bio)
Ben Bova Science Fiction Author and Editor; NSS Board of Governors (Bio)
Ken Money President, National Space Society. Former Canadian astronaut; NSS Board of Governors (Bio)
Anthony Tether Member, SSCI Scientific Advisory Board; Former Director of DARPA; NSS Board of Governors (Bio)
Peter Garretson Former Chief of Future Science and Technology Exploration for Headquarters, USAF; NSS Board of Directors (Bio)
George T. Whitesides CEO and President, Virgin Galactic [Invited] (Bio)
Paul Damphousse Executive Director, National Space Society (Bio)
Richard Phillips Phillips and Company
Natasha Vita-More Chairman of Humanity+. Advocate of human enhancment and radical life extension. (Bio)
Seth Potter Associate Technical Fellow, Boeing
Matt Duggan Manager, ISS Systems Integration, Boeing (Bio)
Gary Barnhard President and CEO, Xtraordinary Innovative Space Partnerships, Inc. (XISP-Inc); NSS Vice President at Large, NSS BoD exOfficio, NSS CEC/CEO & ED emeritus
Bruce Pittman Director, Flight Projects and Chief System Engineer, NASA Space Portal
Paul Werbos Partner, IntControl LLC.
John Garred Attorney, Tucker Ellis and West, LLP
Dennis Wingo CEO, Skycorp Inc.
Sean Connaughton Secretary of Transportation, Commonwealth of Virginia
Jim Muncy Government Relations Consultant at XCOR Aerospace; Founder, PoliSpace and Space Frontier Foundation
Speakers and program subject to change.
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