Paul E. Damphousse, the new Executive Director of the NSS sat down recently at the Space Access Conference with Moonandback Media about the his new role as Executive Director of the NSS, NSS's future, public outreach and ISDC 2012. The videos are broken into two segments: [ Part 1 on NSS and Public Outreach (5:37min) ] and [ Part 2 on ISDC (4:11min) ].
This is a reminder that registration rates and meal prices for ISDC 2012 go up on May 1.
Current rates will be available until 11:59:59 pm on Monday, April 30. If you haven't
registered for the Conference or purchased your meals, please do so as soon as possible to
ensure you have the best rates available. Register here:
The Hotel room block is scheduled to close at 5:00 pm EDT on Monday, April 30. We cannot
guarantee that the discounted Conference rate of $171 per night (taxes and fees included),
nor that any rooms will be available after that time. If you have any trouble reserving a
room through the link provided on the web site:
please call the hotel directly at +1-202-582-1234.
If you have already registered for the conference, but have not purchased your meals, you
may also receive a separate email reminding you that prices are increasing. We hope you
will excuse any duplication as an indication of our best efforts to ensure you have every
opportunity to take advantage of the current rates. If you have any questions, please send an email to
[email protected].
We would like to give our sincere thanks to the following ISDC 2012 sponsors: Boeing (Gold Sponsor), SpaceX (Gold Sponsor), SpaceNews (Official Media Sponsor), and Space Frontier Foundation (Co-Sponsors). Be a part of this exciting conference by becoming a sponsor or an exhibitor. We have two packages available: [ General Conference Sponsorship and Exhibitor or Board of Governors Dinner and Gala ]. If you have any questions, please send an email to our Click here to visit our sponsorship page.
We have a special conference rate of $149 per night plus taxes ($171 total) at our conference hotel, The Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C. Click here to reserve your room.
For those asking about paper submissions for ISDC 2012: Submit abstracts by email to: [email protected]. We are finalizing programming soon, so please submit as soon as possible.
The SunSat Design Competition is an international contest intended to accelerate the design, manufacture, launch and operation of the next-generation satellites that will collect energy in space and deliver it to earth as electricity. Registration Deadline is January 6, 2012; design submission deadline is March 30, 2012. Winners will be announced at the National Space Society's International Space Development Conference in Washington DC in May. More information on the NSS Blog.
Bring enough business cards to spread around!
In addition to day time networking opportunities, you will be able to mingle and
network at night during dinners and at the evening social. The confernece hospitality suites,
located on the Independence Level of the conference hotel,
will be open Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night.